Photographic Archive


Aims of the Photographic Archive 

The main aim of this part of the Project is no less than to compile the largest possible collection of historic and modern images of the village and its people.  In 1988 Geoff Peabody, who had lived in The Old Coach House next to Elston Hall, had collected about a hundred photographs and, a keen photographer himself, had taken many more. He had presented a memorable slideshow at a meeting of The Pentagon Society, and to the WI on another occasion, in which he had used three projectors to show old photographs morphing into modern photographs taken from the same viewpoint. Dave Sankey would aim to replicate this with a much larger number of pictures using Powerpoint software and to produce a number of other "slideshows" on different themes from images collected for the Archive. The images would be stored digitally and catalogued.

After the collection itself, the second aim is making it accessible to as many people as possible, and particularly those without computers.  The first method would be via the catalogue, which in due course would be printed and kept in several binders, and made available to be borrowed like library books.  This presented an early problem. The pictures needed to be fairly small but not illegible. On the other hand it wasn't necessary for them to be large enough so that fine detail showed up : this would be a catalogue, not a photograph album.  The second method would be through a series of slide and film shows using Powerpoint and Nero software drawing on photographs, video, and cine film in the Archive. 

The third aim would be to publish the whole collection on DVD and CD.  DVDs containing the complete set of illustrated catalogues would be made available as a series of Word documents with the text wrapped around the images and which could always be enlarged on the screen by the viewer.  Copies of several Powerpoint presentations, previously shown to the Pentagon Society and at the two exhibitions, would also be available with embedded software for those who didn't have Powerpoint. And extracts of the Archive would be produced on DVD with a suitable musical background for those who didn't have computers but who could watch them on their TVs via a DVD player.